Orubebe Peace Fighter

Wilson could be tagged one of those few guys in ijare with the I CAN FIGHT EVERYONE belief , which could be linked to boosting several times among peers that he would grow up to be a one man soldier combating all possible and available terrorists against his country.
Wilson knew at a very early stage that the country he is growing in needs a self acclaimed brave man like him.
He eavesdrop the news of a rising Naija delta avengers, claiming to be fighting against oil thieves and by default wants recognition and possibly grants and take home payments., he felt this is nothing but the best time to start preparing to launch his own local armed forces which will majorly house him and his super human prowess…
Wilson got his sister’s beads pot to gather white beads to make for himself a fitted neck bead, so as to fit into the look he pictured for himself, also the new rope Danladi got for his falling trouser was also useful to make a longer neck rope.
The wears are set, since he heard bro Oluwafemi advise fighters should be on light wears to avoid being weighed down by heavy jackets.
A fighter should not go empty handed, Wilson wanted a gun  never seen on earth, which could be built by him and able to accomplish his missions of shooting faster and killing before it gets to the body, since it’s a lonely war of no friends just enermies, he thought if Jesus can turn water into wine, turning mud into iron could be the least of his abilities since he was created in his image. He made a design perfect to his Wishes and imagination and before 2pm his riffle was set.(though with no plans of how to load bullets) since the riffles he sees with Abidakun Abiodun Emmanuel never has a bullet, yet he balls with a strong face around.
The whole town should know about the arrival of the newest warrior thus he begged Succulent Paul to help do the town crying to announce the arrival of the New warrior, I bet you know Olabode Mayowa  will go with Paul to deliver the crying around town message.
Just when all seems set to roll out Owoseeni Roseline Oluranti II the protocol lady and one of his best pals suggested the world has to see These, hence Tobby Tranz was sent to fetch the best photographer in town Olayinka Ojo to capture the historical moment, yea, give me the look, yea that’s it, Yinka keeps shouting, You are looking like an hungry boy not a soldier, I know how soldiers look Jesulola Faith Adenike shouted from behind Yinka, with the aims of looking like a soldier, this final look was what Wilson could provide.

All set to roll Arbico Parrot was contacted to do the PR for the movement and share on the unending students groups and pages, just then the Town crier returned profusely tire and angry, with anger “alaye you did not tell me the name of your movement jho” ahhhhhh…. That’s true o, no one noticed the movement never had a name yet… This was where the help of Oladayo Amusan Joseph was needed to give us a name, he got there asked for the concept and he was hinted it’s a one man movement to fight terrorism, without a second thought the name given was accepted by all

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Sam Aiyesoro writes from a non-writer’s view
©Sam Aiyesoro 2016

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