Somethings about spiders you never knew

Spiders are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs that inject venom. The following are some amazing and scary things about spiders that you might not have heard of.

1. There are more than 30,000 species of spiders.

2. Spiders are not insects. Insects have three body parts and six legs. Spiders have eight legs and two body parts, the abdomen and the thorax.

3. Some spiders have either six or eight eyes. 

4. Webs get dirty and torn, so lots of spiders make a new one every day.  They don't waste the old one, though--they roll it up into a ball and eat it!

5. Male spiders are usually smaller than female spiders.

6.The tarantula is the largest in the spider family and may live for more than 30 years.

7. All spiders are predators

8. Spiders cannot digest solid food, they turn it to liquid by sucking out fluid from their prey.

9. Spiders eat more insects than birds and bats combined. 

10. When a spider moves it always have four legs touching the ground and four legs above the ground at any given point. 

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