Tears of a bleeding heart - Episode 14

"What, Chris you are not telling me something" Mansa said. "I guess you're surprised right, Mansa? I know whatever is going on as much as i know the father of that child you are carrying" Chris said.
"Why do you think he ran away? Its for no other reason than the baby. Kuu you know, is a coward. He couldn't take responsibility of his actions, that's why he ran when you needed him most. That's why I'm here, ready to shower you with my love irrespective of the baby in your womb. " Chris

Mansa couldn't take it anymore. This was too much for her. "Stop it Chris! just stop it! I don't wanna listen anymore" Mansa said with her eyes filled with tears. Chris didn't bother, he kept continuing.
" Do you really want to know how it all happened? I can prove it to you Mansa. Kuu is not who you think he is" Chris said. " I say stop it! Get out of my room now, just get out" Mansa said.

At this moment, she was weeping bitterly. She didn't even know what to believe. If it was really true,
then why would Kuu do such a thing to her? Chris sounded so convincing but what really got Mansa
confused that Chris handed over her phone to her, the one the rapist had taken. "Fine, i will go, take this, i took it from Kuu's room" Chris said and handed over the phone to her. He then left her to
battle with her thought. He knew some way, somehow, he had succeeded in trying to convince Mansa that Kuu was the one who raped her. Chris has gotten Mansa in an uncomfortable position, the exact place where he wanted. He knew that, sooner Mansa will come to him seeking for answers.

As to whether Chris was telling the truth, its only time time will tell. Mansa was in complete shock and confused. Mansa began putting the pieces together. She asked herself so many questions.
Was Kuu really capable of doing that? She thought. Meanwhile, Mrs Amposah and Obed were still battling out with marriage issues. Obed was not ready to marry Mansa and Mrs Amposah kept
persuading him into marrying her for her own personal gains.

Mrs Amposah gave a weird option that, If Obed won't marry Mansa for now,then she is not going stay with her. . The only option for him is to take Mansa along. That was a difficult decision that Obed had to take, he didn't expect this outcome but he had everything under control. Once they settle on the agreement, Mrs Amposah called back Mansa. "I have spoken to your boyfriend, and we both agreed that you are not going to continue stay here. You're moving in with him right away, i don't expect any questions from you.

Just go back to your room and start packing your belongings" Mrs Amposah said. Mansa looked surprised as Mrs Amposah was telling her all these. But the look on Obed's face gave her the assurance that she can trust him with whatever he was doing. There was this other side of her that she wanted to stay in the house. At least, she would be able to find out more from Chris concerning her rape case. However, she needed to update Obed on what Chris had revealed to her.

Without waisting anytime, Mansa quickly went to her room to pack her belongings. Mrs Amposah and Obed waited for her at the living room. The place was filled with silence as they both ingnored each other until Obed asked a strange question. "Mrs Amposah, can i ask you a question? It’s a personal question but i would like you to answer me" Obed asked. "Sure, go ahead" Mrs Amposah gave him the go ahead.

"Thank you very much, I'm sure you were aware of how much your husband loved you and even left his betrothed wife to be for you?" Obed revealed Mrs Amposah got shocked as no one in the family knew about what Obed was saying except for her and her late husband. "How did you know that? Mrs Amposah asked. "I know more than you can think of and i also know that you have spent almost the entire money in the joint account you and your husband created, but what I'm yet to find out is
why you are paying Riri those huge sum of money" Obed revealed.

Mrs. Amposah got scared as Obed seems to have known all her movements and actions. Before she could ask any further questions, Mansa came out with her luggage. Obed quickly stood up and helped her with it as they walked out of the living room. Mrs Amposah was still in shock with what Obed had said. What got her more frighten was what Obed told her before leaving finally with Mansa.

"Its a small world Mrs. Amposah, I'm watching you" Obed said and left with Mansa......

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