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Why Dancing Is Important

In this list I give you 10 reasons why we dance. Whether you are a professional or just do it for fun there are just so many reasons to either start or continue to dance. There are times when the ‘dance world’ can be incredibly hard but then we have to always remember the good parts about why we put ourselves through it. Dance is a performance art form, consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement. This movement has aesthetic and symbolic value, and is acknowledged as dance by performers and observers within a particular culture....

Top 10 Reasons to Dance

 Keeps You Alive -Dance keeps both the body and the brain active, this is important for people of any age.  
It’s Healthy & Fun-Dancing is such great exercise but it’s so much fun at the same time… What could be better?

Don’t You Feel Free You can forget all of your worries and stresses when you dance, isn’t that just so awesome.
Boost Self Esteem Dance is a great way for you to get good self confidence. Performing in front of people, dancing solo.
Learn About Your Own Body Dance is one of the only activities where you can really be in your body and feel it. You can learn it’s strengths and weakness’, the way it moves bests.

New Cultures Not just different dance styles from around the world, but dance can take you all around the world. Also you can meet so many different types of people through dance. It’s so wonderful.

Lead To Great Opportunities Becoming a professional dancer can lead to most amazing jobs, and inspire people that see you perform.
Express Yourself Dance is the only form of art where you get to express your self and true emotion through your body.
Challenge Yourself Dance is incredibly hard and it is full of tough challenges. When you can hit that double pirouette, aim for the triple. When you have your box splits get that tilt.

Creativity Dance is such an amazing chance for us all to be creative. Let our bodies speak, create amazing movements and routines. It’s a great skill and exercise for your brains to get working.

Please share with '' why you love to dance and why it is so special to you. LIVE, LOVE AND KEEP DANCING...

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