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Letter To The Born Again Sisters from a Born Again Brother

Dear Sister,

You've come of age and you need to be told some blunt truth.
You refused to be friends with all the brothers in the church, if they don't greet you first, you ignore them. Even when they greet you, your mouth is too heavy to answer, all because you're a precious sister.

They added you to the youth Whatsapp group but you never make any contribution. Bro Dave privately messaged you, you replied him after three days because you are busy. Even when you replied, it's a one liner. K, yh, same here, y, lol, hey, hi, those are the only vocabulary in your own dictionary.

It is true that you are friendly, but only to the sisters and married women in the church. Now that you are rubbing shoulders with Good women at 24, all the brothers are not spiritual to your standard, therefore they can never meet your standard of Husband material.

Bro Dave, the general secretary turned himself to follow-up secretary just to get your attention. When he calls, you don't pick and you never call back. He sent you "merry Christmas, happy new year, happy new week" text messages. He's already composing happy weekend message and you refuse to reply common "thankyou".

When you saw him at church yesterday, you acted like you didn't see his messages. He brought it up and you quickly form too busy and spiritual to be replying messages.

Every night, Bro Nelson is always the one to ping, he asks how are you and mention all your siblings by name and your reply is "all fine", and the chat is over. You don't even bother to ask him how his day went, talk less of asking after his family.

Dear Daughter, don't worry o, keep snubbing all the brothers at church because God has prepared your own angel from heaven, shebi you can pray very well, continue oo

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