See How Sleeping Late At Night Can Kill Your Career

So many Africans are ready to neglect nights of sleep with the belief that money does not sleep, but this might just leave you broke in the long run. 

If you go with the motto "money does not sleep" and you spend your life chasing it, then you might not get to sleep or even be healthy when you finally get your slack.

You can take this from someone is an international best-seller, a LinkedIn influencer and the Chief Executive at Advanced Performance Institute, Benard Marr who said in a LinkedIn post;

"You may think that burning the midnight oil and staying constantly busy is good for your career  but you might be seriously damaging your career  and your health”. Stress, among other things, increases the risk of heart disease by 40 percent, risk of heart attack by 25 percent and risk of stroke by 50 percent. “Many people thrive on stress and love the buzz that comes with it, but ignore the effect it has on their physical and mental wellbeing."

A workaholic, who barely sleeps and believes that the time spent sleeping and goofing around,could be used to enhance productivity.

Guess what? It will work, But unfortunately,He forgets that there are side effects to everything and it could be deadly.

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