12 cunning Ways Girls Hit On Guys
So from day one, we know it’s men who always go for the “kill” when it comes to making the move.
Seldom will you see a woman make the move, but when they do, they do it subtly to throw hints.
These are some of the few hints you might want to take note of, especially in our era.
1. The Use Of Cowardice
If you’re with her and at the slightest fright she clings to you for protection, you should know she’s hitting on you. Or she calls you over to her place because she’s scared of darkness or spiders, you should know she’s hitting on you and want you to take it further.
2. Laughing Hard On All Your Stale Jokes
You say something that you know is not funny but it sends her into sparks of laughter then you should know she’s really into you.

3. Requesting You Play A Game Together
Sometimes she requests you play a game together and such games are usually sensual in a way. She usually comes up with the game which is usually about something to incite your passion.

4. Always shy when with you
When she’s shy during relationship-related conversations or conversations related to togetherness, you may want to look into that.
5. Telling You How Cute You’re

It could be just a compliment but if it’s frequent, then it’s a clear indication you don’t need to look pass

7. Using Help As A Way To Get Close
Sometimes you’re minding your own business and she calls you asking if you’ve eaten or need any help with chores. Usually laundry or cooking for you, that’s the green light. She’s always using ways and means to always help you with something even if you don’t need that help.
8. Suggesting Romantic Stuff
If she starts by sharing romantic apps, messages etc., don’t be rude, take notice, she’s throwing hints.
9. Doing her possible best to be of help
If she’ll go heaven and back to help you when you least can or is more than happy to assist you in your tasks, it’s a sign that she likes you.
10. Being there for you after a breakup
She’s always there to give you a shoulder to cry on whenever you face a breakup.
11. Very attentive to you
If she’s more than happy to ditch social media and pay attention to your conversations and time you spend together, in this day and age
12. Being modest to your compliments

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