Ladies, Learn Few Things About Your Guy
Seriously, though, I want to let you in on a little secret—men don’t know shit about women. We just can’t figure you out, and all our attempts end in humiliating defeat. So stop expecting us to understand the intricate mystery that is the feminine psyche and just accept the fact that it’s never going to happen. However…there is hope. Once you stop over-thinking men and realize that they are much less complex than you are, you can take charge, keep them content and get what you want at the same time.
So here’s a list of things that will help you help him to create a strong and lasting relationship with just about any guy….
1. He Knows When You’re Lying To Him
You ladies can be very funny when it comes to lying to guys..He might not even be sure what you’re lying about, but he knows when you’re not being honest. Better come clean, or his head will fill up with worst-case scenarios….
2. You’ve Got To Watch Your Weight
Did I really say that? Well, it’s true. Just because you landed him doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want and stop going to the gym (and to be fair, neither can he) try not to be like ‘’ADAKU’’
3. He’s Jealous Of All Your Straight Guy Friends
Ladies believes guys don’t get jealous, of course they do. if you’re confiding things to other men and he finds out about it, he’s going to get jealous. Sorry to break it to you, but he wants to be the only man in your life.
4. He Wants To Bang Your Friends
I’m not saying he’ll do it, but he wants to. Don’t take it personally—he’s wanted to bang 90% of all the women he’s ever met. It’s really not a big deal. Let him know you know and watch how red he gets.
5. He Notices When You Don’t Wear The Jewelry He Bought You
If you don’t like it, for Christ’s sake, say so and let him try again. It seems ungrateful when you wear it once and then he never sees it again
6. He Wants You To Need Him
Sure, you’re an independent lady and he likes that. But he also wants to feel useful. So let him change a light bulb and open pickle jars for you. It boosts his self-esteem. He just have to show himself, so let him.
7. If You’ve Been Living Together For Longer Than Three Years, He’s Not Going To Marry YouAt that point, he already considers himself married, and the idea of a wedding is more of a hassle than the special day it is to you. You can try to force him into it if you want, but you don’t want to try that, or do you?
8. You Need To Tell Him Exactly What You Want
Don’t make him guess, because he’ll pick wrong. And don’t be vague about it either. If you want something, just say it straight out. Odds are, he’ll give it to you.
9. You Should Never Flirt With His Friend
I know I said earlier that he wants to bang your friends, so this might seem like a double standard, but it’s true. He’ll think you’re fucking with him—or worse, that you’re actually attracted to one of his buddies. Don’t risk ruining his friendships or there will be bad times ahead.
10. He Needs Quiet Sometimes
You don’t have to fill the silence with pointless chatter and small talk. If you’re comfortable together, you should be able to just keep quiet every once in a while…he needs to think.
11. You Should Compliment Him More
Hey, women aren’t the only ones who like compliments. Tell him he looks good, tell him he’s smart, whatever. He needs to hear that shit every once in a while.
12. You Don’t Always Have To Be Right
Hey, if it’s worth it, then just dig your heels in and fight to your dying breath. But sometimes, he just wants his opinion validated and you don’t have to contradict him just because you see things differently.
13. Make Sure You Look Just As Good When You Go Out With Him As When You Go Out With The Girls
We all get lazy after a while when we don’t have to impress anyone anymore. But if you’re all sweats and T-shirts when it’s just the two of you and you’re smoking hot when you’re going out without him, he’s going to wonder who you’re doing that for…
14. He’s Not Your Dad
For all you princesses out there. Yes, he’s supposed to take care of you, but it’s not in the same way. You’re a grown woman, for Christ’s sake. Learn the difference between a father and a partner.
15. He’s Not As Complicated As You Are
Don’t go thinking that means you’re deeper than he is, though. Or smarter. He just likes to keep it simple. If you can understand and appreciate that, you might end up complimenting each other very well….
Above are the few things you ladies just have to known about guys …. If you need more on this, you can drop your comments and requests here on
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