The Youthful Age - Olayinka Ojo

I don't know the age bracket of a youth anymore since death could make a ten year old kid older than a 80yrs old man. Youthfulness is not in number,it is a state of mind that is ever qualitative,innovative and productive. The day you stop being youthful is the day you stop being useful and the day you become deathful . No offence, I dont understand the concept of 'youth church'(educate me).  Imagine the days when mortals could live up to 900 years, what will an 100 years old person look like.? I see some young people who see it as demeaning to be referred to as a youth because they have ring on their finger and probably some kids reference them as daddy and mummy and the prefix  Mrs or Mr before their name makes them feel some certain assignment or activity no longer concern them. Marriage does not make you more responsible(paul,Jesus), I know single people below 30 who shoulders responsibility of more than 100 people. They call you 'mama o' when indeed you are just 'Omo o'. Aging is not to make us useless, aging is to make us dreamers( Joel 2:28). Aging is not numerical, it is empirical. Whether you are 10 or 20,80 or 100, maintain  a youthful mindset.
Olayinka Ojo.

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