10 Helpful Foods That Burn Calories and make you Lose Weight
With so many weight loss tips on the internet, it sometimes gets hard to understand what advice to follow. Everyone knows that a great way to stay fit is to eat healthy and exercise regularly. It’s also a quite natural way to lose weight that people all around the world swear by. While a lot of foods nowadays are labeled as diet foods and can tempt you to binge on them, it is important to know that we must stay away from such foods because they do more harm than good. So it is best to rely on natural foods. We tell you which ones, read on!
1. Cabbage
Cabbage makes you lose weight rapidly and it was quite a famous remedy when the cabbage diet was first being promoted. However, it is not necessary to mix cabbage with other items to avail the benefits of this healthy vegetable. Cabbage apparently takes more energy to digest than the calories taken in. Cabbage is also high in antioxidants, including vitamin C. It is also high in fiber and vitamin K and also contains a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium, & vitamin A. Also, half a cup of cabbage is only 17 calories when boiled. If cabbage is too bland for you, consider looking up recipes to keep you entertained with this healthy vegetable because it can easily be cooked.
2. Eggs
Eating foods that are packed with protein is a great way to lose the extra fat, especially if the proteins are from eggs. The protein found in eggs is known to stimulate the release of a hormone called glucagon which is known to burn fat in the body. Some studies have also found out that people who have eggs in breakfast have less cholesterol. Eggs can be cooked in a number of ways and each one of it is healthy to be consumed. Hard boiled eggs can be prepared and stored in the fridge and then eaten as a snack when the cravings hit your tummy. The other best thing about eggs is that they are extremely healthy and are the most inexpensive foods you can have too!
3. Yogurt
Yoghurt is power packed with probiotics which is a bacterium that helps you limit the amount of fat that your body will absorb. This only works with the yoghurt that includes ‘live active cultures’ in it. Probiotics are the good bacteria that help you get rid of the unnecessary stuff in your intestinal tract. The amino acids that are present in yogurt help in burning fat and the calcium present in it signal your fat cells to rid your body of the cortisol that can cause increase in belly fat. But it is important to choose the yoghurts that will be beneficial to your body. A lot of flavoured yoghurts that are packed with sugar; make sure you stay away from those!
4. Salsa
Salsa is actually several foods mixed together but the combination can still help you in losing weight in a lot of ways. The primary ingredients included in most salsas are tomatoes, onions, and some kind of pepper. Each of the vegetables is loaded with a several nutrients and is great for shedding the extra kilos. Salsa is also water based which helps keeping you full apart from being healthy. A great way to include salsa in your diet for weight loss is to include it in your salads and veggies instead of a high calorie snack. It is also a great topping for meat, especially chicken.
5. Apples
Apples are nothing less than super foods. They provide the body with rich fiber that helps you feel full for a long time and also helps the body fight cravings. But you should make sure you eat the fruit and not desserts made out of it, like applesauce or juices. Chewing crunchy foods is always beneficial for weight loss. Chewing sends signals to your brains that you’re actually eating something solid. This helps your body feel full. Some studies have also shown that eating the Granny Smith apples can give you some specific benefits when it comes to weight loss. These apples seem to contribute in weight loss when compared to other apples.
6. Black Beans
Black beans are known to be full of protein and fiber and keep you from feeling hungry too soon after eating. They are also great for keeping your digestive system working efficiently and keeping it healthy. They also contain flavonoids. Flavonoids may help in reducing belly fat, according to some researches. Some people do not like including too many beans because it causes gas. But apparently, the more you make your body get used to beans, the less it will react. If eating plain black beans is not your thing, then you could try different ways of incorporating it in your diet. Overall, these beans are great for your health and also a pocket friendly food item that helps in weight loss.
7. Grape Fruit
Grapefruit is a well-known, and a prime weight loss food through the years. The reason is because it works wonders. Grapefruit is almost 90% water, so it helps you feel full immediately. It also helps in lowering insulin which increases the fat storage in our bodies. A great way to have grapefruit is to cut one into half and eat each half before every meal. The red and pink grapefruits also contain beta carotene which is responsible for the fruit’s colour and it helps our body fight off diseases. A half grapefruit contains about 52 calories and it also doesn’t contain any cholesterol.
8. Lettuce
Many people don’t consider including lettuce in their diets because they claim that it doesn’t contain any nutrients. But this is not true. It only depends on what kind of lettuce you choose. The Romaine lettuce contains a good amount of vitamin B, Manganese, and folic acid. The dark green and purple lettuce always has the high amount of nutrients. Lettuce is one of the most low calorie foods that you can have on your plate. This means that you can stock up on a lot of it without including any extra calories. The other good part about it is that it goes along with any other food items like salad, sandwiches, chicken, beef and even peanut butter.
9. Quinoa
Many years ago, nobody even knew about quinoa. Now that people do, they’ve even discovered that it’s great for weight loss. One cooked quinoa serving is about 180 calories. It has low glycemic sugar which means it will not increase the blood sugar levels in your body. Quinoa is packed with protein, magnesium, zinc and iron. This food is also included in most protein and energy bars and it is not just healthy but also delicious to be eaten. You can find a number of recipes and include quinoa in your diet. There are many ways to enjoy this food product and lose some weight.
10. Dark Chocolate
This is the tastiest treat of all. Although you need to make sure that you don’t indulge in too much of it. Dark chocolate contains less sugar and milk and a good deal of cocoa which keeps the calories low. Taking a few bites throughout the day, and having a small piece of dark chocolate after your meal will help slow the digestive process and makes you feel full for longer periods of time. Dark chocolate also has healthy fats that help keep up your metabolism rates. It can also help you curb cravings for other sweets. Some Swiss scientists have also found out that dark chocolate can help limit the metabolic rate of being stressed.
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