10 Commandments To Getting A Job Easily In Nigeria
Do you need to get a job in Nigeria easily? Have you spent more than 1 year at home searching for a job without success? Do you now think that maybe your villagers have finally had a roundtable meeting for you? Or you now wish that you never went to school?
“The ending/beginning of the year are the best periods to search for a job, so don’t miss it.”
Read this post with an open mind, and never believe what people might tell you again. It is easier to get a job in Nigeria easily towards the ending of the year/the beginning than any other period. This is because the ending of the year comes with lots of changes.
1. Find your Connection
This is the shortest cut available to all of us in this country. Once you have it, you won’t just get any kind of job; you would land yourself a mouth-watering job. This might sound easy on paper; but if the connector isn’t a family member, it would take you grace, miracle, luck, and preparation to get across to such a person. I have written about how you can find your connection. It is up to you to accept it. But if you don’t have any connector, then the other commandments are for you.
2. Learn a Skill and get a certification.
Research has shown that those with viable skills and certifications to back it up, gets most of the attention. You should check out for hot trending skills, and look to learn it. Most courses aren’t profitable again in Nigeria, and we all should accept that fact. I made a switch from my discipline into Information Communications Technology (ICT), and it paid off. Maybe you should consider doing so too. Also, remember to have the necessary certifications alongside.
3. Thou shall have different CV’s for different Job Roles
It may sound stressful; but if you wish to increase your chances of landing any job, let your job history be streamlined to that specific job role. It makes you look like a professional than just a mere job seeker.
4. Blow your trumpet on your CV, but be ready to defend
If there is nothing worth breathtaking on your CV, just be ready to see it tossed around like a piece of paper that it is. The first thing an employer searches for on your CV is what achievement you’ve recorded over time. In my CV design, I always place my
Work Experience
In places that can easily be seen. This has gotten me several job invites, and will still get me more.
5. Your Cover Letter should ooze out emotions
Forget etiquettes; several times I have told you that we humans think emotionally and justify it with logic. The hiring manager reading your cover letter is a human, so play on his emotions.
For record’s sake, I am not asking you to start begging the job but use your work experience, achievements and tell him why he should hire you. Make it so compelling. (You can learn to create one here easily.
6. Always attend the interview with the hardcopy of your Resume
Just last week we read of how a guy missed his opportunity when he was asked to produce the hard copy of his resume, and it was nowhere to be found. Avoid this mistake; it costs you nothing but saves you a lot.
7. Always look the interviewer eyeball to eyeball
He is human and you are human. Most Human Resource managers are trained in reading our body language. One of the body languages that portray confidence is the eye contact. So no matter who is on that sit interviewing you, look him/her eyeball to eyeball and say your name.
8. Never give brief answers in a job interview and brag subtly while explaining
Any question thrown at you should be an opportunity to shine. Explain, brag subtly and dissect any question like a professional. Remember you should use stories to buttress your points. Tell stories of how you have achieved similar goals in the past. Use your wonderful past experiences to win your future.
9. Always prepare questions to ask and give out free tips
One of the methods that have worked for me is by asking “why are you hiring for this role?”. Most hiring managers tend to respond positively to this question. Then during the discussion, I can then offer my free tips that would serve as ‘a tip of the iceberg’. It makes you look knowledgeable about your industry.
10. Learn to pray
For those who believe in higher powers, pray before and after interviews. For those who don’t believe, just do the right thing and then observe. Whichever your belief is, follow it meticulously.
There is no one track way to get a job in Nigeria easily, but those who have obeyed these commandments have recorded higher success than those who haven’t. Time and tide wait for nobody, so just do the right thing.
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