10 Simple Car Safety Checks You Should Know How To Do
Watching a youtube video and asking a skilled
friend is a great way to start some simple tasks like changing tyres,checking oil and coolant levels.
Of course, there are certain tasks that will require your mechanic assistance.
Don't ignore a warning light or an unfamiliar smell or sound coming from the car, and if you're unsure what the problem is,then take it to an expert.
So how many of these 10 simple car safety checks can you do?
1)Change oil and oil filter
2)How to check and top up with radiator fluid (coolant)
3)Change a flat tyre
4)Change a wiper blade
5)Check the engine oil level
6)Top up engine oil
7)Top up windscreen washer fluid
8 )Open the bonnet
9)Check brake fluid level
10)Check for cuts and bulges on tyre.
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