Some amazing things you never knew about snakes

What you would read here may someday save your life and the lives of your friend. It would also broaden your horizon on activities, behavior, frame work, strength and weaknesses of Snakes. Below are some things you never knew about snakes. Enjoy.

1. The inner part of spitting cobras’ fangs have ridges like those inside a rifle’s barrel that allow it to shoot venom (poison) further. So running might not even safe you from a spitting cobra.

2.  Before the invention of anti-venom, the black mamba had a 100% fatality rate and its victims would be dead in about 20 minutes. When next you see a black mamba, start a race to the nearest health center before it bites you.

3. If two rattlesnakes fight, they don’t use their fangs to poison each other. So if you are not a rattle snake, RUN! When you see one.

4. Rattlesnake antivenom costs $20,000 per vial. Bye!

5. Anacondas mate in a giant “breeding ball” with 1 female and up to 12 males, and they stay in that position for over a month. ONE MONTH!!

6. Recovery from a Adder snake bite can take up to a year.

7. The Wildlife Conservation Society has, since the early 20th century, offered a large cash reward (currently worth US$50,000) for live delivery of any snake of 9 meters (30 ft) or more in length. It's easy to get rich, you know?

8.  Sonoran Coral Snake, instead of hissing or rattling, farts when threatened. So when next you smell a fart, it might be a Sonoran snake. Lol!

9.  The northern copperhead snake smells like cucumbers. Be warned Not all that smells like cucumber is cucumber. Thank me later.

10. The decapitated head of a dead snake can still bite hours after death. Because dead snakes can’t regulate how much venom they inject, so such bites can often contain  huge amounts of venom. Kill the head twice, and even thrice to avoid being bitten by a ghost snake.

Come back for more. I just saved your life. Ikr. Thank me later.

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