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Where Is Your Wife? : A letter to the Husband

It is so disheartening that in many parts of the world, many married men have lost their wives and what they have is a maid, child-minder,cook,Nursing mother, children teacher, financial partner and so on all in one person

How can one woman be all the aforementioned and still be in her right state of mind to be that sweet romantic lady you married? how can a man get angry when a woman complains of tiredness after tending to the child, cook, clean the house, wash cloths, run errands and in most cases also go out to work in order to augment what the man brings home.

A wife is not synonymous to a slave. Men should get their wives all the necessary home appliances like washing machine, hoover, dish washer, food processing machine and so on to make life easier for their wives and also try to help them out in any way possible so that the wife they married will still be available to tend to their needs cos a worn out woman can never think straight or satisfy her husband's emotional and sexual needs.

Don't lose your wife.

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